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Ren's Restorations


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Biograph Studio, L.A.
repair bad tear
Biograph-Before Biograph-After
Monogram Studio, East Hollywood
fix poor exposure and focus
Flag Restored-Before Flag Restored--After
Balboa Studio Long Beach, CA
repair crease, spots, and dust
Massive Scratch Removed-Before Massive Scratch Removed--After
Ralph M. Like Studio East Hollywood
remove liquid spill
Liquid Spill Removed-Before Liquid Spill Removed-After
Metro Studios Hollywood
remove correction fluid smear
Replaced correction fluid smear-Before Replaced correction fluid smear-After
Metro Studios Hollywood
repair bad tear
Repaired tear-Before Repaired tear-After
Metro Studios Hollywood
dust removal
Dust removal-Before Dust removal-After
Vitagraph Studio, Brooklyn
scratch removal, roof repair
Roof Repairl-Before Roof Repairl-After
Vitagraph Studio, East Hollywood
tear repair
Tear repair-Before Tear repair-After

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